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标题:The Lonely Little Tree
Once upon a time, there was a lonely little tree. It sat all alone in the middle of the forest. The other trees grew tall and strong around it, but the little tree was small and weak.
One day, a little squirrel came to the tree. #34;Hello, little tree,#34; said the squirrel. #34;Why are you so alone?#34;
#34;I don#39;t know,#34; said the little tree. #34;I just feel alone and forgotten.#34;
#34;Well, maybe we can help you,#34; said the squirrel. And with that, the squirrel invited all the other animals in the forest to come and help the little tree grow strong.
Soon, the little tree was surrounded by animals, each bringing a bit of soil, a drop of water, and a ray of sunshine. They worked hard and played together, and soon the little tree grew tall and strong.
When the animals were done, they all sat together under the big tree#39;s shade. They looked up at the beautiful canopy of leaves and smiled. They had created a new friend in the forest.
And from that day forward, the little tree was never alone again. It was loved and cared for by all the animals in the forest. And they all lived happily ever after.
Hello, I#39;m Dog, and I#39;m the best.大家好,我是一只小狗,我是最棒的。
These are my friends -- Ladybug,Mole, Goose, andDonkey.这些是我的朋友——瓢虫,鼹鼠,鹅,还有驴。
I love them. They#39;re brilliant, but I#39;m the best.我爱它们。他们都很好,但是我是最棒的。
I can run much faster thanMole. I win. I#39;m the best.我跑得比鼹鼠快。我赢了,我是最棒的!
I can dig holes much better than Goose . I win. I#39;m the best.我挖洞可比鹅要强得多。我赢了,我是最棒的!
I#39;m much bigger than Ladybug. I win. I#39;m the best.我比瓢虫大很多。我赢了,我是最棒的!
I can swim much better thanDonkey. I win. I#39;m the best.我游泳比驴游得好。我赢了,我是最棒的!