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  1. 英语阅读说明文常用词汇


1. Introduction(介绍):introduce, overview, background, context, purpose, aim, objective, goal, main idea, thesis, hypothesis
2. Body(主体):evidence, support, fact, data, information, example, case study, analysis, argument, point, view, perspective, explanation, clarification, discussion, main point, theme, topic, subtopic, paragraph, section
3. Conclusion(结论):conclude, summary, result, finding, implication, recommendation, solution, suggestion, summary, closing, wrap up
4. Organization(组织):structure, logical, coherent, flow, sequence, order, transition, connection, link, relationship
5. Explanation(解释):explain, clarify, define, describe, illustrate, demonstrate, exemplify, interpret, analyze, compare, contrast, examine, evaluate, identify, state, indicate, show, reveal, demonstrate, prove
6. Example(例子):for instance, for example, such as, including, like, such, in particular, specifically, particularly, namely
7. Cause and Effect(因果关系):cause, effect, result, consequence, impact, influence, affect, lead to, result in, due to, as a result, thus, therefore, because, since
8. Comparison and Contrast(比较与对比):compare, contrast, similar, different, alike, similar to, different from, on the other hand, on the contrary, whereas, while, similarly, likewise
9. Process(过程):process, step, stage, procedure, method, approach, technique, strategy
10. Definition(定义):definition, meaning, refer to, define, identify, explain, describe, characterize, denote, signify, represent
11. Descriptive(描述):describe, depict, portray, illustrate, represent, present, show, convey, demonstrate
12. Evaluation(评估):evaluate, assess, examine, judge, consider, analyze, determine, measure, conclude, recommend
13. Advantages and Disadvantages(优缺点):advantage, benefit, positive, strength, pros, disadvantage, drawback, negative, weakness, cons
14. Problem and Solution(问题与解决方案):issue, problem, challenge, difficulty, obstacle, solution, suggestion, recommendation, proposal, strategy

1. 概述:overview, summary, introduction, outline, synopsis, survey, brief, general idea, main points
2. 详细说明:detailed explanation, in-depth analysis, comprehensive assessment, thorough examination, elaborate description, extensive discussion
3. 关键点:key factors, significant elements, crucial aspects, important factors, essential elements
4. 分类:categorization, grouping, classification, division, organization, arrangement
5. 例子:example, case study, illustration, instance, sample, demonstration
6. 数据:data, statistics, figures, numbers, facts, information
7. 解释:interpretation, clarification, definition, explanation, elucidation, exposition
8. 原因:reason, cause, factor, motive, explanation, justification
9. 影响:impact, influence, effect, consequence, result, outcome
10. 讨论:discussion, analysis, debate, discourse, conversation, exchange of views
11. 证据:evidence, proof, support, substantiation, confirmation, validation
12. 结论:conclusion, result, finding, outcome, deduction, inference
13. 比较:comparison, contrast, distinction, similarity, difference, analogy
14. 优点:advantage, benefit, strength, positive aspect, merit, asset
15. 缺点:disadvantage, drawback, weakness, limitation, flaw, downside
16. 解决方案:solution, remedy, resolution, workaround, fix, alternative approach
17. 建议:suggestion, recommendation, proposal, advice, counsel, guidance
18. 观点:opinion, viewpoint, perspective, stance, position, belief

introduce. for example. for instance. introduction

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